Leiria Polytechnic Institute was in Kenya for a mission

Leiria Polytechnic Institute was in Kenya for a mission

Between 22 and 28 March, a team from Politécnico de Leiria visited Kenya, under the Go Blue Project Tourism and Cultural Heritage component, leaded by Camões IP, in an immersion experiment in the framework of building a strategy for tourism and cultural heritage on the Kenyan coast. The coordinated and overseen of the portuguese participation in the project is by Camões IP with PAV - Instituto Padre António Vieira as implementation partner. One of the main activities is to assist the Kenya Six Coastal Economic Cluster Secretariat (Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Tana River e Lamu), for the development of the 2030 Strategy for Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the country, "TCH Blueprint 2030".

The responsibility of IPAV, which is co-create, supported by a theory of change and an integrated governance model, in collaboration with professors from the Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar (ESTM) of the Polytechnic of Leiria and professors of the Polytechnic of Portalegre. The Portuguese writing team that participated in this working visit consisted of Professor Rui Pedrosa (co-coordinator of the “TCH Blueprint 2030” writing team), Marta Cayetano and João Vasconcelos, who represent ESTM from the Polytechnic of Leiria. During six days of intense activity, the Portuguese team met with officials from all tourism, economic and cultural bodies. The team also had the opportunity to gain experiences in the course of immersing themselves in various cultural and heritage activities and natural enhancements.




IPAV - INSTITUTO PADRE ANTÓNIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a public utility organization (IPSS) and a Non-Governmental Organization for Development (NGDO), whose mission is the promotion of human dignity. It is a leading organization in social innovation and a specialist in collaborative culture promoting "unity in diversity", in Portugal and in the world.


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 +351 21 585 53 09
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  1600-878 Lisboa

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Pr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 271 Galerias
  4200-314 Porto


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