Our team

"We only exist on the days that we do, on the days that we don't just last."
P. António Vieira


IPAV - INSTITUTO PADRE ANTÓNIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a public utility organization (IPSS) and a Non-Governmental Organization for Development (NGDO), whose mission is the promotion of human dignity. It is a leading organization in social innovation and a specialist in collaborative culture promoting "unity in diversity", in Portugal and in the world.


For more information about the IPAV and your projects, you can contact us through:

  Email: secretariado@ipav.pt
  Billing: daf@ipav.pt

 +351 21 585 53 09
Rua Marciano Henriques da Silva, 32B
  1600-878 Lisboa

+351 22 332 21 30
Pr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 271 Galerias
  4200-314 Porto


Academia de Líderes Ubuntu


Frente Atlântica