Institutional Information


The IPAV is a Portuguese NGO that operates globally in the empowerment and intervention of human and relational capital within social, organizational, and community systems.

It fulfills its mission of promoting and restoring Human Dignity - diminished in its multiple forms, in the increasingly complex and fragmented time - through the design of socially innovative projects that contribute to the generation of meaning and purpose in individuals and organizations.

IPAV is specialized in training and empowerment, foresight and diagnosis, knowledge development, implementation of actions, and conception and realization of events.


IPAV - INSTITUTO PADRE ANTÓNIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a public utility organization (IPSS) and a Non-Governmental Organization for Development (NGDO), whose mission is the promotion of human dignity. It is a leading organization in social innovation and a specialist in collaborative culture promoting "unity in diversity", in Portugal and in the world.


For more information about the IPAV and your projects, you can contact us through:


 +351 21 585 53 09
Rua Marciano Henriques da Silva, 32B
  1600-878 Lisboa

+351 22 332 21 30
Pr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 271 Galerias
  4200-314 Porto


Academia de Líderes Ubuntu


Frente Atlântica