PromoteRestorehuman dignity.
To promote and restore human dignity.
IPAV will be, in Portugal and in the world, among the leaders in social innovation, for the promotion of human dignity, through specialization in the dynamization of a collaborative culture and in the promotion of the “unity in diversity”.
To promote and restore human dignity.
IPAV will be, in Portugal and in the world, among the leaders in social innovation, for the promotion of human dignity, through specialization in the dynamization of a collaborative culture and in the promotion of the “unity in diversity”.
- Intervene in the defense and promotion of human dignity.
- Promote social, economic and environmental sustainability.
- Deepen knowledge and action on social wicked problems.
- Promote diversity and interculturality.
- Reflect and act on the future, with a humanistic, global and integrative vision, inspired by the legacy of P. António Vieira.
- The Truth and Honesty that implies availability.
- Respect and Dignity, which are manifested in the appreciation of diversity.
- Sharing and Interdependence, which presupposes an attitude of active listening, dialogue, empathy and cooperation.
- Service and Care for the Common Good, seeking to combat injustice and inequality.

IPAV - INSTITUTO PADRE ANTÓNIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a public utility organization (IPSS) and a Non-Governmental Organization for Development (NGDO), whose mission is the promotion of human dignity. It is a leading organization in social innovation and a specialist in collaborative culture promoting "unity in diversity", in Portugal and in the world.
IPAV specialized in collaborative culture
The social problem:
Violations of Human Dignity
To Promote and Restore Human Dignity
IPAV as a promotorer of Unity in Diversity
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